Friday, April 16, 2010

Breaking Free not 'Breaking Bad'

Eating well has not been going well. I have avoided posts because of my naughtiness during Easter. Why do we celebrate everything with food? Especially unbelievably tasty treats. My daughters got four buckets worth from grandparents and us and the temptation is out of this world. Slowly but surely I have whittled away at the items they don’t like so my consumption will go unnoticed. I’m controlling some compulsions and becoming more active now that my heart's atrial-fib is under control, but I would be a lot further along the path if I were mindful of proper intake instead of eating what I wanted. Small steps. I’m headed in the right direction but my tendency to want to complete a 1000 mile journey by foot in one day sets myself up for failure. I am beginning to recognize the pot holes that line the streets of the bad neighborhood that is my head.

I have been compiling several dietary approaches and adapting those to meet my needs. I’m not sure one size fits all, but a conglomeration of different ideas can be beneficial. Strictly adhering to one person’s opinion can have horrible outcomes. Each person’s medical and anabolic makeup vary and I think your own body will tell you what works. I will watch my calorie intake to ensure that I burn more than what is consumed. That way I’ll lose instead if staying stagnant. If I don’t pay attention to that detail then I have a tendency to rationalize eating a double cheese burger & fries because I will exert myself by cutting the grass. I need structured accountability but I'm lazy when it comes to consistency. What a Catch-22.
Another area I’m incorporating is all Natural Foods. Free range or grass fed beef is slowly making its way into our menu plan and REAL milk will be there shortly as well. I’m amazed at the Biggest Loser’s recommendations for food and snacks that are nothing more than chemical processed molds. Most of it is some sort of corn base with artificial flavoring. When I eat these recommended chemical cesspools, my blood sugar becomes unstable. I don't know why, but it's a pattern. I learned from my podiatrist that a diabetic’s intestinal tract doesn’t retain vitamin B very well, so I was wondering what other nutrients my body isn’t receiving? Going natural will ensure a balanced blend and won't be a shock to the system. I don’t want one extreme or another, just a workable middle.

I was fitted for and received orthotics for my Plantar-Fasciitis. The inserts have been throwing my spine out of alignment or they may be aligning my spine as it should be. Time will tell. I feel better with the inserts than without and I was able to walk quite a bit yesterday without tremendous pain afterward. My heart is strong and steady now that I have the right cocktail of medicines. I feel this is the most positive direction I've experienced in a long time.

I’m really doing well with activities but I'm just not motivated to workout in a gym. I hate being indoors and especially when it seems like a rush to get in, jockey for locker space, work out among the masses, then wrestle to get back to my locker and fight to get out of the parking lot. It seems ass backwards to me. We have become so sedentary in society that we need a facility to promote and facilitate activity. I would rather walk the dog or work in the yard.

I have a golf outing May 15th with old high school buddies and they have all expressed disbelief at how big I’ve gotten teh last time we've gathered. I am hoping to have a few pounds shed by then, but they are also heavy drinkers. I’m walking into a potential hot spot on two fronts. I’ve been sober 50 days and I’m just now coming out of the fog. I am still in a vulnerable stage when around a bunch of good-time Charlies throwing back my favorite drink of the Philistines. Last night my wife closed down a bar where a guy she wants to make music with was playing. I guess that’s what musicians call it these days (Hardy-har). His band apparently has opened up for U2, has his own recording studio and has had gastric bypass surgery with the result of significant weight loss. He embodies everything she’s interested in and everything I'm not. I can no longer do the bar thing, I will not have the surgery to lose weight and I don’t have a recording studio or have any desire to play in a bar. They text each other on a regular basis and I'm told friends do that, even if they're married. This morning while lying in bed she stated that she has never laughed as hard as she did last night. When I see her she is always in the grips of frustration at the kids, me or about something she’s lost or forgot to do. When she’s away from us it’s the best time EVER. Time will tell. I want to believe that all my concerns are just noise from that bad tenant upstairs again.

I’m not worried about her reading this if anyone is concerned. I shared that I was blogging my confessions of Alcoholism and Compulsive Overeating and not much came of it. I want us to have an understanding and open communication about it so I mentioned it, three times. Then, I sent her the link for the second time and she said, “I read through all your posts.” And that was pretty much the end of the conversation. She expressed some disbelief at my actions but has never mentioned it again. FB events, where local bands are playing, or where she’s meeting her friends for drinks are always front and center of the conversation in our passing. Hopefully I can navigate through this bad neighborhood of thought and just remain focused on what I need to do. “Resentment is the number one offender” I’ve been reading in the Big Book how to avoid just this kind of stinkin' thinkin'. So if I vent them here, it won’t be so bad among the living.

I really feel I’m breaking free. I feel strong and the baggage is continuing to drop on a daily basis. For today, I’m living in acceptance and that I’m promised is the key to all my problems.


steveroni said...

I won't comment on the "wife" fling-thing, because if you are human, you already know what's going on there.

But your sobriety, that's another thing. Hopefully you have a sponsor, or a few guys with whom you can speak DAILY (Caps on purpose!) AND go to meetings.

That is where will come the power to fill up that hole in your stomach (not talking about food here!), that pain which will not go away except when you are sleeping. NOTE: IF I am way off base here, just delete this comment, OK by me. I've been where you are, and it was not fun.

Further said...

Thanks, Steveroni. Working with a sponsor and a few meetings later, I'm beginning to hope. Your comment was right on target.

Politically Incorrect Nutrition said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am following your blog and I appreciate your honesty(a rare thing in today's society). Keep up the good writing. I too have been working through healthy eating. Unfortunately I am realizing what we are taught by the"Health Food" Industry or even the medical community is at best, false. Take it one day at at time. Master something for the week and incorporate in your daily routine. I have discovered it's really a lifestyle change. I have a long way to go myself. Check out the Mood Cure by Julia Ross and Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, Eat Fat, Lose Fat By Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. I like to think of these books as a lifestyle change rather then a "diet" because really thats what matters. Again Amazing writing!-alethea
PS- I stumbled across something about zinc deficiency causing unexplained chest pain. Just a thought.

Further said...

Thanks, P.I.N.
I have both Nourishing Traditions and Eat Fat, Lose Fat by my side. It's tough to digest these teachings especially in today's society.