Friday, September 5, 2008

Rage Against the Machine

I have had my finger on the pulse of this election a few years now. I knew with the type of political climate that was brewing that we would be in a war for the Presidency of the United States of America. The last elections divided the country and when Republicans had a chance and it seems they fumbled on the one yard line. Not since Carter has a presidency shut its door on the public and treated us as folk with a need to know basis.

We've lost a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I have voiced my concerns in word and deed, having participated in anti-war demonstrations and petitions for a better America and it feels like a wasted effort. Both parties are using us as "useful idiots." I am starting to think journalism is dead. The ones that attempt to report the truth have been silenced with career ending slander. I for one am disgusted when I turn on the BBC and I hear the same talking points that are given to our media via the political machine. NPR at one point may have had a minor success in investigative reporting, but now I listen to ingredients for drying paint on park benches when there is a missile attack. What The Frig?

I have always held the opinion that you can make anyone look like an angel or devil by the way information is edited within a documentary. I have had fun constructing "shock factor" pieces for the halibut, but I wouldn't know where to begin to create the kind of havoc President Bush has endured. Sure, I would agree that he needs a wake up call, but come on. No matter where Bush turns he's touted as an idiot, even though he graduated from Yale in '68 and graduated with an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1975. Al Gore's education seemed a little shoddy for an aspiring politician, but who knows the extent of his education? FactMonster had this to say, "Gore has an undergraduate degree from Harvard, where he once roomed with actor Tommy Lee Jones... Gore attended graduate classes at Vanderbilt University's schools of divinity and law, but did not pursue a degree from either..." The truth is he flunked out, but even FactMonster won't state the facts. I bet if that were Bush's factoids they would be in bold print. Can you image the media fire storm if Bush had flunked out of Yale or Harvard? Fox's reveal of his DUI the night before the election would seem like a joke for an October surprise, but come on, really?

I'm not a big fan of the Republican Party even though I find it shameful that they were the majority party that fought for the civil rights bill and never received credit for that. Strom Thurmond (Democrat) staged the longest filibuster in Senate history in 1957, speaking for over 24 hours against a civil-rights bill. No one remembers that of the Democrat Party but it's interesting how now they take the credit for advancing personal freedoms. I'm even less a fan of many Democrats that appear to me as corrupt as the day is long yet receive a pass in media. When journalists leap to their feet to applaud anyone they're covering I'm suspect and I'd say the status of a conscientious objector is null and void.

It's obvious to the most casual observer that there is a bias in media. Grenades are launched in any direction of a Republican, but Sno-cones are served to Democrats who will tow the company line. Don't believe me? Let's look at a couple of examples.

Facts on Obama's VP pick Senator Joe Biden

Plagiarism charges from law school in 1968 and again in 1988 are what ended his presidential run against Dukakis. If a Republican were charged with plagiarism as a VP nominee, that candidate would have been accosted like they abandoned Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick…wait, that didn't happen either, sorry. Let's read on about this stellar pick.

"A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.

The Democratic vice presidential candidate's son Hunter, 38, and brother James, 59, assert instead that their former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with felony convictions." Biden's family gets a pass, Palin's family is fair game.

Has anyone seen the fire storm over this? I've seen how the saturation point questioning whether Palin can be suitable as a VP candidate because her 17 year old became pregnant. The headlines today are "Can Palin quiet the media storm?" I would like to see a media storm over something a Democrat is accused of. Palin's daughter is keeping the baby, perhaps that's why everyone is so angry.

Here's what one site had to say:

"By the way, another question about Senator Biden. If plagiarism and being a bald faced-liar was sufficient to torpedo his run for the Democrat nomination against Dukakis back in 1988, why is it not sufficient to disqualify him for the vice presidency now? What's the difference? You see the double standard. Three stories today, New York Times home page, the top-three stories on the Republican convention, New York Times home page, one: "Disclosures on Palin Raise Questions on Vetting Process." Number two: "In a Political Realm, Family Problem Emerges as Test." And number three: "Palin Daughter's Pregnancy Interrupts Script." Somebody tell me, I don't know, has the Times done a story on Obama and Bill Ayers yet? I don't know because I don't read the Times very often. I don't think so. Have they done a story about Obama and Tony Rezko yet? Have they even reported on any news in the first place on the Washington Post report that Senator Obama pushed for $3.4 million in earmarks for a lobbyist who just happened to be Senator Biden's son? Did you know about that? You didn't know about that? Obama pushed for $3.4 million in earmarks for a lobbyist who just happened to be Senator Biden's son. Where is the story on this? I'll tell you what, folks, if Palin has 'em this worried; it's a very good sign."

I think you get the point. I could compile a list regarding Obama and rip it to shreds. I am not concerned about Obama and his association to the Weather Underground and what happened in the 60's. He was eight when Bill Ayers committed his acts of terror. Ayers admits, "I'm sorry we didn't set off more bombs." Ayer's is unrepentant and that's what worries me about Obama's association with him. Birds of a feather flock together. They are more than friends who served on a board. A reporter shedding light on this connection was crucified by the Obama campaign. It's just a matter of time before the truth surfaces. Just as Rev. Wright is more than a twenty-year old friend that happens to frequent Obama's household talking about the horrors of whitey. Wright was a formative influence whether inevitable under current racial tides or not. Again, if any Republican had a twenty year tie with any bigoted mouth piece it would be all over the news…wait, it is. Bush's association with extreme fundamentalist just added fuel to the fires of hate. No such stain on Obama in the New York Times. If I can put this out there then the media could as well. But it would seem that the mud slinging is reserved to combat against the media's mortal enemy, the Republican Party.

For those who have already cornholed me into a political party by my words, I am a registered Democrat. I am tired of my party being hijacked by ass hats that want to sing "We are The World" instead of opening their eyes to what is really going on. Obama chants change and everybody orgasms. How are we going to pay for these special interests programs? Anybody check how many billions in HIGHER taxes it's going to cost for this change? The focus is on power and how to get it, keep it, and mold it to fit the party of the moment's agenda at all cost to the American people. That accusation is across the board and leaves no stone unturned.

The water is being turned up ever so slightly and we're all going to boil if we don't get off our assess and jump at the chance to be free from bullshit such as this. Unfortunately the voices of reason and outstanding ideas couldn't compete in this year's election because they couldn't afford it. The fact that men and women who could make a lasting change are held back from the Presidency because of a price tag should scare the hell out of all of us.

Ironically, Palin has accomplished what feminist have been rattling their sword over for years. She has served as a two term Governor overcoming 'the good ol' boy network' and has held individuals within her own party to accountability on corruption charges; all while still being a hockey mom. I have never seen a Democrat do that.

Palin was questioned whether or not she can serve at full capacity as VP having to balance husband, children, and a career. Strange that question has never been asked that of a man if he can fulfill his obligations of being a father while holding office. Perhaps the Democrats think a woman's place is in the home? Palin has accomplished what most feminist dream of and has done it while not aborting a pregnancy to further her career. Could this be why she is such a great threat? I'd vote for her over the other three in a heart beat!

I have heard that some women wouldn't vote for Palin because she is against gay marriage. Well, many Republicans sent a message to Washington by electing a majority to the House, Senate AND capturing the White House at the same time. Abortion is still legal despite what the "media" and Democrat Party stated would happen if the evil warlords of the Republican Party were in charge. Currently under the Bush administration, several states are allowing the individual rights of gay couples to be recognized by marriage. Wouldn't it be great if each state could vote whether or not they want to make a personal choice a matter for the people to decide? That's what overturning Roe vs. Wade would do, but the Democrat Party campaigned to make the American people believe by overturning Roe vs. Wade that abortions would become illegal. Wire hangers everywhere! That's not the case at all but no one takes the time to read past the headlines. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and our Constitution will be reduced to voting certain rights off the island. Remember this little fact when placing all your trust in Big Brother to spoon feed you while wiping your ass.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Where are the next Woodward and Bernstein?